Disputing A False Claim Of Liability In A Car Crash


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Getting a car accident, will initially be a shock to the senses. Your body will be pumping adrenaline around your system to prevent you from going into shock or panicking. A situation can turn from making sure everybody is safe and sound, to a roadside dispute that can launch into a tirade. Being accused of liability for the crash is a smite against your name which can be acted upon legally. The key is to remain calm and relinquish the feelings of being shell-shocked and reacting in a calm, logical manner. You must be quick to record the situation, so you protect yourself against the false claims. However, most people think they know what they would do, but in a real accident, all their thinking goes out the window. If you don’t know what to do, you must put yourself in a vulnerable and contemptuous position. You must act quickly to build up your case, right there on the spot, and there are certain things you should remember to follow.

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Gather evidence

Get out of the car, as soon as you’re ready and over the shock. Make sure the other party is okay and ask if they need medical assistance. Get your phone or camera, and take clear pictures of the damage to your vehicle. The situation is going to be tense, but you must take the time to look back at your pictures after each is taken, so they’re not out of focus which will harm your case in court. Do the exact same for the other car. You must also take pictures of the road, making sure to document any road signs, skid marks, traffic lights and junctions. Ask the general public around the crash, who saw the accident and would be willing to speak on your behalf as a witness. Take down their details and give them your details as well.


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Protecting yourself

Don’t say more than you need to, and never admit to anything even if it’s in your favour. The other party who is taking you to court will use anything and everything against you to get themselves off the hook. As soon as you get a confirmation letter that you are being demanded to pay for the other party’s insurance, you do not have to communicate informally at all. Don’t ring or email the person who is falsely accusing you, as they will use the evidence of protest against you. Never roll the dice on your car accident attorney, and only hire the best experienced in this field of law practice. A great attorney will fight for full compensation and won’t aim for a small settlement that insurance companies offer.

Documenting injuries

If you’ve been hurt in the collision that wasn’t your fault, you should seek medical attention right away. The insurance company you have a health care plan with will take down any and all evidence of the injuries. However, the responsibility to take pictures of your injuries is completely on your head, so if you are able, tell a friend or family member to take pictures of you before treatment. Hospitals clear up and wipe away any blood, and quickly work to stick up any cuts, which limits the aesthetic impact of the injuries you’ve sustained. Make sure you get a copy of your health record yourself during this ordeal so that you can refer to it at any time. Equally, your attorney will also want a copy of your medical documents, which have recorded the incident in full. By using the evidence, you can build your case up with proof rather than speculation.


Source – Ildar Sagdejev

Police report

Make sure you call the police at the scene of the accident. Go through the occurrence with as much detail as you can. Get the details of the police officers you talk to, and particularly, the one who writes down your information and the report. Additionally and to your credit, your witness should also speak to the same officer, to corroborate your story, and confirm everything you’ve said. You should also get the details of his or her police station so that you can contact the institution personally. Your attorney can ask for the police report as evidence to build your case, so you have one more layer of evidence to back up your innocence. It goes without saying the police are a figure of authority, and any judge is more likely to believe the police officers than anyone else; so bear the importance of a police report in mind.

The key is to act quickly, but calmly. Gather as much evidence as you can, with as much haste as possible. You should feel no need to communicate with the accusing party and so you shouldn’t. Speak only through your legal representative and give them all the proof of the incident as soon as you can.